Josh had an appointment with his doctor on May 5. We got great news. Josh was 16 pounds 10 ounces with a length of 25 1/4 inches. For his true age, he is in the 35% in weight and 5% in height. Based on his due date (and an age of about 4 1/2 - 5 months) he is 70% in weight and 35% in height. We are so pleased with his growth! He is not behind at all, and developing on time or even ahead. And if we go back to his actual due date, he definitely is not behind schedule, but rather really ahead.
Josh has been teething. It has been a trying time. Josh hates it and gets pretty fussy and irritable. And Mommy hates to see him in pain, and hates to clean up all the drool. The doctor said if he had to bet on it, that Josh would cut his first tooth within 2 weeks. We saw it poking through the gum on Friday (9 days after his appointment). The doctor also figured that within a month of the first one breaking through, two more would follow. We will see if he is right on that one. I just hope that after the first few come through that it won't be as painful for him.
We are continuing to go down on Josh's caffeine. So we still have that monitor that I was anxious to get rid of around 6 months. We are getting prepared to take him off the monitor. He can go without it for long periods during the day. He just can't sleep without it. We are backing him off the medicine 2 weeks at a time. In about 5 weeks he will be off the caffeine completely. And then he will go about a month with no medicine. If he has no attacks at night or just one, he will be off the monitor fully at nine months.
I feel blessed that Josh is doing so well. He is ready for the next phase of this family's journey, and that makes it easier to go through what is coming. I received my first appointment. I will be taking a two point charge and serving two churches in Ware Shoals, SC. Matt and I will be leaving our church on June 20, moving on June 30, and our first Sunday at our new churches will be July 4. We are so excited. And I feel better knowing Josh is strong enough to move. We will have lots of help moving from some great people.
We visited with our new church family on May 5. They were very welcoming and accepting. We feel like it is a good fit for us. We got to tour the bigger of the two churches. Due to a renter living in the parsonage, we were unable to see it, and we did not see the smaller church. We will be able to look at both early in June. The bigger church is wonderful! There is no office at the church, but there is an office/4th bedroom in the parsonage. That is wonderful for me, especially having Josh. I will be able to work at home and stay with Josh!
We can't wait to see the other church and our new home. And we can't wait to move into our new house. We are so ready for this next phase in our journey. I am thankful for all that God has done for us through this experience. I have been waiting for awhile, but am thankful it happened in God's time. We have a lot to do between now and June 30. We have to pack, get rid of stuff, hopefully get ready for a yard sale, clean and organize, and I have to go to licensing school and conference. We will be busy, busy, busy, but I know God will help get us through this stressful time.