I am so sorry that I have not written in forever. Joshua is doing so well. He went to the doctor for his nine month checkup on August 12 (sorry I have been slack about reporting this). He weighed 21 pounds 10 ounces, and he was 29 1/2 inches long! So we know he is over 22 pounds and 30 inches now! For his true age he was 65% in height and weight, but if you go by his adjusted age, he is 85% in height and 90% in weight. We are so pleased with how well he is doing.
We got the green light to back off his bottle. He just gets 2 bottles a day now. He eats all baby food the rest of the time, and he is eating toddler-like snacks such as yogurt, cheerios, crackers, and cookies. We are rid of the dreadful monitor, and the medicine that goes with it. We have also reduced his Xantac for acid reflux, and it appears he is outgrowing his acid reflux. Praise God! He is almost 10 1/2 months old. We can't wait for when he is one year! Time has flown by.
Josh can do a lot of new things. He feeds himself bottles, and he drinks from sippy cups by himself. He crawls some, and has learned to roll the other way (he started out just rolling to the right). His new favorite thing to do is clap. Josh uses some sign language for us. And we think he has a pretty good vocabulary for a 10 1/2 month old. His first word was "ma ma", followed by "no-no", and then "hi." He has since added to those three words with "yay-yay" and "ah luh ooh" (his attempt to say I love you). Matt is kind of hurt there is no "da-da" yet, but we know he will get there. Josh's other accomplishment is sitting forward in the car. He got a new forward facing seat, and he loves to ride forward!
Sunday Josh will be getting baptized! We are so excited. I hate that it didn't happen before now, but timing just wasn't right. He couldn't go to church until like March, and we were anticipating me getting my own church this summer. In Methodism, there is a big emphasis on the church playing its part in bringing up the child. I felt awkward in doing it in our old congregation knowing we would only be there for another 3-4 months. So Matt and I agreed to wait until we got to our new church. We were hoping to let the pastor who married us or the D.S. baptize Josh, but after much consideration we decided that I am going to do it. I am so excited! Josh will be the first child I will ever baptize. This feels like a happy and perfect ending to our rough start!