Friday, June 26, 2009

What's New

It has been awhile since I have written, and since I said I would write before my next Dr.'s appointment, I decided to write today. Not much is new here. Things are pretty good. I am loving not having morning sickness! I have energy back, and I am not going to the bathroom to pee every hour right now! Hopefully, the nausea won't come back. But I know later in my pregnancy I will be exhausted again and that as the baby gets bigger, he/she will push on my bladder and I will go to the bathroom a lot again later.

I love where I am right now. I am enjoying being able to cook and clean again. Temperatures feel unseasonably warm around here to me right now. I am so thankful that I am at this stage of my pregnancy while it is this hot! It will not be 100 degrees outside when I am as big as a house, YAY! I am so relieved that I will have a baby born in very late fall.

There are only a few complaints I have right now. First of all, nine months feels like a very long time! Why does it take so long! Secondly, I am so forgetful. I cannot remember anything right now! To me, this seems like a really odd side effect of pregnancy. My last complaint is that I am just paranoid and worried. I do not exactly feel pregnant, other than the fact that my clothes are snug and I feel pressure in my stomach area. I cannot wait to feel the baby move. We have a few more weeks until that should happen. The doctor says that will happen around the time we are able to find out the sex. I was worried when we couldn't hear the heartbeat, and fortunate that we had an ultrasound to find the heartbeat. It was so wonderful to see little baby Baird move around! That really put my mind at ease! I am sure everything is fine. I just wish I wasn't so paranoid and impatient.

That is about all I have to say right now. We have our next appointment on Monday, July 6. I am sure we will find out everything is okay then. And then I will feel better. I will update more after our next appointment.

RIP Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson

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