Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Baby Josh is here!!

Baby Josh has decided to grace us with his presence! I was not at all expecting to have a baby before 34 weeks, and I honestly believe the doctors did not intend to let me deliver before 36 weeks. But Saturday night Josh had his own idea.

We knew Josh was ready to come out, just not this ready! Saturday I started having some bad cramping. It got worse as the day went on. Then Saturday evening back pain started and I was doubled over in pain late at night. Matt begged to take me to the ER. I finally agreed to go about 1 AM.

When we got to the ER they sent us straight up to labor and delivery. I was hooked up to monitors and found out that I was having bad contractions. They decided to run some tests. Dilating had just started and my cervix was more than halfway thinned out. They did a pre-term labor test which is the same one I had at my last appointment. It showed that Josh was going to come on his own within two weeks. They finally gave me some drugs and we were under the impression that they were going to stop the labor and send me home with pills.

Then they started to look and found out that I was at a high risk for preeclampsia. They diagnosed me with that and said we would have to deliver some time soon but they were keeping me in the hospital for a few days and then I would be sent home and put on bedrest until Josh came in a couple weeks. While we were waiting on a final decision we saw a second doctor from our office.

After much deliberation, both doctors decided I had to deliver then. Dr. Carter came in and told us around 8 Sunday morning that he needed to come and that we would have a baby by the end of the morning. I freaked out, but he said it needed to happen and that Josh would be okay.

They got things going and wheeled me down to the OR. They had a problem giving me the epidural. They tried four times. And boy was it painful! But once I was numb, I was good and numb. They cut me open and Josh came at 9:56 am on November 1, 2009. He was small, but the doctors said he looked good. We got to see him and then they took my baby to the NICU. He weighed 3 pounds 7 ounces and was 17 inches long. He is so adorable! I can't believe he is here. Welcome to the world Josh!

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