Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Decision

A decision has been made! If you know me well you know that I can be pretty indecisive, so the fact that I have made a decision is along the lines of witnessing a miracle. And if I don't change my mind a million times (which I am a woman so I am entitled to), that is even more miraculous.

I think Matt and I will be expanding our family in the near future. A couple of weeks ago, I thought I was pregnant (although that would have been an accident). I can sympathize with what it feels like to be pregnant when you don't want to be. That's what happened with Josh, but not in the scared, unmarried teenage girl kind of way. But I think any unplanned pregnancy can be scary. Matt and I had been married 3 months when we found out we were pregnant. And I know what it feels like to think you could be pregnant and then are relieved to find out you are not. Matt and I had an instance like that when Josh was about 8 months old. But this time it was not like that. I cried when I found out I wasn't, and it wasn't the happy kind of tears. That kind of let me know that it might be time for us.

And then last week, Josh started walking for good. He has been walking since early December, but last week he decided that walking is the best mode of transportation. He barely crawls anymore. Prior to now it was like he was pretty unsteady walking so crawling was more efficient, but now the opposite is true. I wanted Josh to be walking before we had another. I also would like him to be potty-trained. When I did the math, if I got pregnant in April, if I carried full term this time, Josh would be around 27 months old when the new addition arrives. He could be potty-trained!

I am still seeking God's advice, but I know if it happens then it is time and we are ready! I don't feel near as scared as I have been in the past. I know it is in God's hands. I trust God to deliver us a healthy baby full term, regardless of the odds. And if the new baby comes early, I trust God to take care of Josh's sibling just like He took care of Josh! Please pray for us as we decide about adding to our family.

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