Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Best Christmas Ever

Things are going well here. We love having Josh at home with us. It has been an adjustment for us to get used to Josh's schedule. Getting up at night can be tiring, but I don't think either of us would trade it for the world. Josh belongs at home and it feels right having him here with us. Our family is complete, well until our second child makes his or her entrance into the world in a couple of years.

I find it funny that I am mentioning having another child. It is not something I want to do within the next year and a half, but having another baby in two years would be fine with me. After we came home from the hospital I was adament that I did not want to even think about baby Baird number two. As far as I was concerned, baby Baird number two was not in the cards. I realize now that it was my emotions talking. I was in pain from the c-section. I also felt bitter that Josh's birth did not go as planned. I was mad I did not experience true labor and that I had to have a c-section. The biggest part was that I was broken hearted from having to leave my first child in the NICU for so long. I knew I would not be able to go through that again. Thank goodness that I asked my OB/GYN for some statistics on preeclampsia. There is only a 12-15% chance that it will happen a second time. The majority of preeclampsia cases show up in the first or last birth. So I think my odds are good.

Needless to say, Matt was surprised to hear me say two weeks after the birth of our son that I wanted to have another. I could deal with having another c-section. The pain was not that bad. And Josh will need a sibling. I do not want him to be an only child. He is already spoiled enough as it is. And Matt really wants a girl. I would be fine having another boy. And depend upon how the second one goes will determine if we have a third. I always said I wanted three children: 2 boys and 1 girl. I know that God will provide when and how He sees fit. I imagine, though, that our life will contain at least one more child. But that is another story for another day way in the future.

Now, back to Josh. He is so wonderful. Josh really is a good baby. He has quite the personality. He also has a temper. He gets easily frustrated. It appears that he is stubborn and pretty independent. I am afraid he gets a lot of these traits from his mother; he comes by it honestly. But Matt exhibits some of these traits as well, so Josh had no chance. We learned last night that Josh will pretend to cry after we have put him to bed at night and we have gone to our room. He hates to be alone, and so after he realizes he is alone he will cry just a little. Then he stops and waits. Then he cries again a little longer and louder. And then he stops to see if we are coming for him. We were listening to this on the monitor last night. It is absolutely hilarious.

I am excited, and ready, for Christmas. I was just telling Matt the other day that this Christmas hasn't been like other ones. I haven't had as much time to prepare and anticipate it. Christmas has been on the back burner. Josh was our priority while he was in the hospital. He did not come home until December 10. Once he got home, he was the priority here and we had to get adjusted to having him here. But on the plus side, I have not gone out in the crowds as much as I have in previous years! Even though I did not get as much time to enjoy our Christmas tree, Christmas music, and other Christmas traditions, I am the most excited I have ever been. This is my first Christmas married, and my first Christmas as a mother, and our first Christmas as a family, and my oldest child's first Christmas! This is wonderful! This really will be a great Christmas; maybe one of the best ever. And Josh coming home was the best Christmas present ever; it just came two weeks early, but that is fine with me. I feel so blessed and thankful to have him here with us. And I am excited to see what this Christmas holds for us!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Josh's first week at home

The fifth time was the charm! Josh came home with us last Thursday. It was a wonderful day for us. Last Wednesday night we had the opportunity to spend the night in the hospital and room in with Josh. Matt and I chose to do that so wwe could get comfortable with the monitor Josh has to wear for his apnea. In the hospital we had access to a nurse if we needed one. Matt and I made it through the night with no problems. It was wonderful to spend that first night with our son!

Things have been wonderful at home with our newest addition at home with us where he belongs! He has adjusted so well. Josh already had a schedule he followed from the NICU. He has changed his feeding habits a bit, but now that we have increased his feedings the schedule is practically back to normal. Josh sleeps and eats well.

Josh loves his room. He has gotten to be introduced to a lot of new things since being at home. Two days ago he got into his bouncy seat for the first time. He loves to bounce! The vibrator in the seat makes him cry though. He does love the music, but he looks at the toys on the toy bar like they are stupid. Hopefully when he gets bigger he will enjoy playing with them.

Josh also has spent time with his grandparents since he has been home. Matt's parents have come to see him twice. Josh loves having visitors. Josh also has gone to my parent's house since he has been home. He rides so well in the car. And going to my parent's house introduced Josh to the five greyhounds. The dogs seem to love Josh. Jake even gave Josh a kiss. And I love that Josh does not seem to mind the dogs at all.

We took Josh to his first doctor's appointment on Monday. Matt and I absolutely love Josh's doctor. Everything was good with Josh. On Monday he weighed close to 6 pounds. The doctor said we could increase Josh's feedings. Josh now eats 3 ounces about every 3 and a half hours. We go back to see Josh's doctor on January 7. Josh will be getting his two month shots then. I know it will break my heart to see him get those shots.

Things have been wonderful having Josh at home. It has taken some adjustments to learn what his cries mean. Thank goodness he doesn't cry much. Matt and I both have had a tough time adjusting on a little less sleep. We are learning how to sleep when Josh sleeps. We have a great time when we spend time with Josh. He brings us so much joy. I love watching his smiles, his facial expressions, and when his eyes light up. I am so protective of him. I always knew I would be a protective mother, but it is so much harder since Josh was premature and he spend so much time in the NICU. It is so much worse since we are in the middle of flu season. I don't want Josh to get sick. I am so thankful and feel so blessed to have him here with us. When we left the hospital with Josh last Thursday I cried. I was so happy to be coming home with our little boy. We waited so long for him to be coming home and it was finally happening. It was one of the best days of my life. I am looking forward to what this journey with Josh will bring to Matt and I. We plan to enjoy this Christmas with our special and precious little boy.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Maybe the fifth time is the charm

Last week when I wrote I was excited because Josh should have been home in a few days. Well, of course, that did not work out like it should have. Josh is not home where he belongs yet. I spoke with the doctor this morning and he said hopefully Wednesday or Thurday. Today marks the fifth time someone has said that Josh will be coming home on a certain day; hopefully this time will be right. I am getting pretty sick of people saying he will be home at this time, and then it doesn't work out. I just want my little boy home. I don't understand what is so hard about this: if there is any chance something could come up then don't say anything until you know for sure. We are getting sick of hearing that Josh will be coming home in two or three days just to learn later that isn't the case. It would be much better for me if I were to walk in the NICU one day and a nurse or doctor were to say that tomorrow will definitely be the day. That would make me happy.

This has been incredibly rough on us. You can't even imagine what this is like until you go through this yourself. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I keep asking Matt why we have to go through this. It isn't at all fair. I want to know what God wants me to learn from this. I don't understand why God allowed this to happen. I feel like I have caused this, and maybe, I could have done something to prevent this. Some days it just breaks my heart to have to go into the NICU and see Josh there. He belongs at home with us.

It doesn't help that we have a stubborn little boy. He has been in the NICU for so long getting spoiled by the nurses. For a little while he was the only baby in the NICU. It's like each time he hears someone say he is almost ready to go home, he makes something else go wrong. He doesn't want to leave his nurses and all the attention he has been getting. Right now he is the only male in the NICU until the doctors come in. He is surrounded by female nurses and three other paatients that are little girls. This makes Matt proud that his little boy already has women all over him.

Josh's problems right now deal with stomach issues. He is spitting up more often then they would like him to. He is not spitting up as much now that they changed his formula, but they feel like he should not be spitting up on the formula he is on. They are hoping being strictly breastfed won't cause him to spit up. But to be cautious they are running an acid reflux test. If it comes back positive they will put Josh on Xantac. If the test is negative, they will assume Josh is just one of those babies who spit up. I am glad that they are trying to figure that out. I do not want Josh to come home spitting up all the time and all over everything.

Josh did fail his sleep test last week. He had an episode of apnea that lasted 18 seconds. That concerned the doctors so they wanted him to go through the weekend with no apnea or bradycardia symptoms. He made it from Wednesday to Friday, but then he started having some drops with his breathing. These coincided with his new round of spitting up. The nurses determined that they were related to the spitting up and could not be documented as apnea or bradycardia. Josh did have one drop unrelated to spitting up on Saturday night, but it was very brief. He has not had one since. The doctor said he was very impressed that Josh only had one true drop between Wednesday afternoon and Monday morning. He said if Josh didn't have stomach issues, they would be releasing him today. The good news is that Josh should grow out of the apnea.

This has been a rough ride, but hopefully it is almost over. We are just anxious to get Josh home. It feels like we are almost at the end of this horrible nightmare. My life hasn't even felt like my life. This all feels like a horrible dream, a dream that I am ready to end. It should be over this week. And I will be so happy that I am one of those women leaving the hospital with my baby. Then the three of us can start our new life together. We will be able to make lots of new memories. It will be so fun to watch him grow up. I am a little discouraged with the situation. I am also very thankful, especially when I think about the two alternatives: Josh could not have made it or I could still be pregnant. I am so happy that he is here and healthy. And it was a nice surprise that he came early. We have had the chance to bond with our son and to get to know him. He is so beautiful and he has a precious personality. But we really can't wait to have him here with us. I would give up sleep every night if it meant he could be here with us.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Update on Everything

We are so excited. Josh will be coming home this week! If not tomorrow then probably Wednesday. I cannot tell you how good this feels. It is such a horrible feeling to be away from your baby, especially your new baby. It's even worse being away from him under these conditions and when he is first born. We should have had our baby at home with us, spending this last month bonding.

But our wait is almost over! Josh will be here soon. This past month has been busy and difficult. I can't believe it has been one month already. Tomorrow our little boy will be one month old! It would be even better if he was home to celebrate that with us! I am thankful that the doctors and nurses at the hospital have taken such good care of him. I have had the past month to rest and to get Josh's room ready.

I can't believe how much we had left to do when I went into labor! There were six weeks left and I thought I would get to take advantage of those six weeks. Everything is ready now though. Matt and I have been putting things together. This house looks so funny with the crib ready, the bouncy seat, the swing, and the play pen all put together and ready to go with no baby. We even tested out his baby monitor the other night. He absolutely has everything here he needs. We are so blessed! And even more blessed that our baby is okay.

Josh is doing so well. We are so proud of our little monkey. There have been good days and bad days. One of the NICU nurses warned us when Josh was less than a week old that there would be a few steps forward and then one or two backward. It has definitely been that way. We have seen him improve so much and then watched something discouraging happen. But Josh has fought hard to get to where he is. He has gained his weight. He is doing so much better with his breathing. Josh is a good eater and sleeper. And he is hardly fussy. We have such a good baby. And Josh is absolutely beautiful, and we are not just biased. He really is a beautiful baby.

The hardest part for me has been the whole experience of going back and forth to the hospital. I hate hospitals anyway, but it is hard to go see your child there. And it really isn't fair that we have only been spending a couple hours a day with our baby. The worst part for me is going into the hospital and seeing a woman being wheeled out with her newborn baby. I knew we would run into that and I have seen it about 4 times. I feel robbed that I didn't get that experience. But tomorrow or Wednesday I should be walking out of the hospital with my own baby, and for that I am incredibly thankful. Thankful for the fact that my baby is alive and healthy. Thankful that he is doing so well. Thankful that he is coming home to be with us where he belongs. And most importantly, thankful that I will not have to go to the hospital to see my baby and scrub down for two minutes just so I can touch him. But Josh is coming home this week and that is all that matters to us!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Life with Josh

Things have been hectic since Josh has arrived! We were not totally ready for Josh at home so we have been rushing to get ready for him at home. Once we get a diaper genie we will be finished! I can't wait to get him home and in his room where he belongs.

Josh is doing so well now. We are so proud of him. After his birth he went on the ventilator. He came off less than 12 hours later. The Monday after his birth they did a chest x-ray and found out he had pneumonia. He went back on the ventilator for a few days. He is now off and has been for more than a week and a half. After the ventilator he was on nasal oxygen for awhile. He has been off oxygen for three days and is doing wonderfully. He is gaining weight and now he is eating from a bottle. His feeding tube is out and everything is looking good. Our little boy just needs to gain weight so he can come home.

Matt and I got to hold him for the first time a week ago Sunday. That was one of the best moments of my life. He feels bigger than you think he would be. And he is so alert now. I am just amazed at how well he is doing. And I am so thankful that he is okay. I feel really blessed because this could have turned out badly. Today we get to feed him a bottle for the first time. The nurses are helping us get ready for him coming home. Joshua could be home for Thanksgiving. That would be the best thing in the world.

I am doing well. I have appreciated this chance to get to rest. I have healed up nicely from my c-section. Matt has been a wonderful help. I just wish I could have brought my little boy home with me. This has been really rough on me. The whole thing has been very hard. We went to the hospital that Saturday night not planning on staying. We weren't ready for Josh to come. And I feel a little cheated. I didn't get to experience real labor and I had to have a c-section. And now my child has spent two weeks and one day in the NICU and I imagine he will be there for at least another week. I felt so bad that he was so tiny. I have felt like all of this is my fault and that I could have done something more. No mother imagines the birth of their child, especially their first, happening like this. And everyone says I should be happy to have this time to rest, and I am thankful for it, but I would give anything to have Josh at home with us.

I am not going to dwell on what has happened. I am just thankful that he has come so far and is doing so well. And I have a lot to be thankful for. I can't wait for the day when he can come home. I know that day is coming soon. Please keep us in your prayers. Pray for Josh to get stronger and bigger.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Baby Josh is here!!

Baby Josh has decided to grace us with his presence! I was not at all expecting to have a baby before 34 weeks, and I honestly believe the doctors did not intend to let me deliver before 36 weeks. But Saturday night Josh had his own idea.

We knew Josh was ready to come out, just not this ready! Saturday I started having some bad cramping. It got worse as the day went on. Then Saturday evening back pain started and I was doubled over in pain late at night. Matt begged to take me to the ER. I finally agreed to go about 1 AM.

When we got to the ER they sent us straight up to labor and delivery. I was hooked up to monitors and found out that I was having bad contractions. They decided to run some tests. Dilating had just started and my cervix was more than halfway thinned out. They did a pre-term labor test which is the same one I had at my last appointment. It showed that Josh was going to come on his own within two weeks. They finally gave me some drugs and we were under the impression that they were going to stop the labor and send me home with pills.

Then they started to look and found out that I was at a high risk for preeclampsia. They diagnosed me with that and said we would have to deliver some time soon but they were keeping me in the hospital for a few days and then I would be sent home and put on bedrest until Josh came in a couple weeks. While we were waiting on a final decision we saw a second doctor from our office.

After much deliberation, both doctors decided I had to deliver then. Dr. Carter came in and told us around 8 Sunday morning that he needed to come and that we would have a baby by the end of the morning. I freaked out, but he said it needed to happen and that Josh would be okay.

They got things going and wheeled me down to the OR. They had a problem giving me the epidural. They tried four times. And boy was it painful! But once I was numb, I was good and numb. They cut me open and Josh came at 9:56 am on November 1, 2009. He was small, but the doctors said he looked good. We got to see him and then they took my baby to the NICU. He weighed 3 pounds 7 ounces and was 17 inches long. He is so adorable! I can't believe he is here. Welcome to the world Josh!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pregnancy at 32 weeks

So excited that I really only have 8 weeks left. And if we go by what the doctors are saying then it is less than that. I am feeling okay for the most part. My main complaint right now is that it is hard to get comfortable which makes sleeping difficult. I also am still very moody and emotional. And cravings are getting annoying at this point. I never have in the house what I decide at the last minute I want to eat! I am sure Matt hates running around to find what I want to eat. And I know he hates it when I change my mind. This past Saturday evening it took me about 40 minutes to decide where we were going for dinner, and 6 places had been "likely choices" until I changed my mind again. But he is so wonderful to me during this crazy time. Last Wednesday night I was going to die if I did not get a slice of cake. Matt went out to pick up a red velvet cake (one of my favorites) and he came home with flowers for me as well! And the flowers still look nice!

This past Friday I started having contractions. My doctor's appointment was scheduled for yesterday (Monday) morning, so not much was done for me. I was put on bedrest for the weekend. They told me that on Monday the doctor would figure out what is the best choice for me. The doctor checked me out and said that my cervix is starting to soften which means I will start dilating soon. His best guess was that I should start dilating within a couple weeks. But he assured me that just because I may start dilating in a couple weeks, it does not mean Josh will be here in a couple weeks. He said it could take more than three weeks for me to fully dilate. He did a test for pre-term labor which would show if Josh would make an entrance within the next two weeks. The test came back negative so Josh should not come within two weeks.

The doctor noticed I have some of the symptoms for developing preeclampsia and am at pretty high risk for it right now. We are going to watch for that. If I were to get that, they would have to deliver me soon. Basically, for now, I just have to take it easy. I was put on a minor form of bedrest. I need to keep my feet propped up and drink plenty of fluids. I am not supposed to do any unnecessary moving. The doctor doesn't want me doing housework that requires a lot of moving or standing. So basically, I can fold laundry. And no standing over the stove to cook. So easy dinners are in our future. Thank God that Matt is being so wonderful with all of this.

I go back to the OB in two weeks. They will check to see if I have dilated any and if preeclampsia is present. If I have dilated a lot then I will be put on real bedrest. They will also get another ultrasound to see if Josh has grown much. He was on the small side last time. Plus, in this ultrasound they will be able to see his lungs. It will give them an idea of how early they would be comfortable inducing me. It is looking like more and more that I will be induced. I will definitely be induced if I develop preeclampsia or if I have another bladder infection. We will know more in two weeks. All I know now is that I have a baby who is anxious to come into this world. It scared me there for awhile to think that I could have a baby around my birthday. I do not want Josh to make his entrance as my birthday present! More realistically is that he will be here by or around Thanksgiving. I will update more in two weeks after my appointment, if not sooner.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ultrasound 2 days ago

Matt and I went to the doctor on Tuesday. I was scheduled for an ultrasound to see how big the baby was. I was excited to see Josh. Matt and I went back for our ultrasound first. The tech said everything looks good right now. Josh is a little on the tiny side. He currently weighs two and a half pounds. The tech said most babies at this stage are 3 - 3 1/2 pounds, but that it is not uncommon to see a baby who is two pounds at 30 weeks or to see one that is 4 pounds at this stage. It is obvious from the ultrasound pictures that Josh is tall and skinny (thanks Dad) and that he has a large head. I thought he would have grown into his head by now. He was so cute to watch moving around on the ultrasound screen. This time instead of showing everyone his backside he decided he would cover up his face so we couldn't see him. Actually, it looked more like he had been asleep and the tech woke him up and he was rubbing his eyes. He was so active during the ultrasound. I am sure we have an active baby. I just hope when he gets here he doesn't get day and night mixed up. That would kill Matt.

After the ultrasound we saw the doctor. My weight gain is getting much better. I can gain a pound a week now, and in the past three weeks I just gained slightly over 1 pound. My blood pressure is still fine. And no bladder infection this time. My bladder infections bother them. If I have another one I know they will want me to deliver early. I talked to the doctor about my swollen feet and my sore back. He said I am stuck with them until after I deliver, but he did give me some tips. We talked about Josh's low birth weight. He said Josh is still in the 20% percentile and he looks good. The course of action is to schedule another ultrasound in four to six weeks which puts me between 34 and 36 weeks. He said if Josh is still in the 20% percentile or better than he has no concerns. He just doesn't want him to drop. I may just have a small baby (surprising, I know). Also, in 4 to 6 weeks he will be able to see the lungs and that will help him decide if I should be induced.

I gathered by listening to this doctor and by what we saw on the ultrasound regarding Josh's size, he would not be comfortable letting me deliver at 34 weeks like the other doctor said I could possibly do. He would much rather me get to at least 36. And I would rather Josh be a little bigger and his lungs be functioning properly. I do not want to leave Josh in the hospital for even a week. Just thinking about him having to be in there multiple weeks or a month kills me. I just pray that Josh continues to grow and that he may grow faster than expected. The doctor said it is a great sign that Josh is so active.

Now my appointments will be every two weeks until I reach the last 4 weeks. I go back in two weeks just to check the normal stuff and let me talk to a doctor. Then either at the appointment at 34 or the one at 36 we will see Josh again. Please keep us in your prayers. I will update more soon.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pregnancy at 29 weeks

I am so very excited! Tomorrow I will be 29 weeks. I am officially in my third trimester, and have been for a few weeks. I am so excited that little baby Josh will be here before we know it. Definitely less than 3 months, unless he is late which I really hope not.

Next Tuesday afternoon Matt and I go for an ultrasound. The tech told us when we found out Josh was a boy that we would have one sometime in the seventh month so she could look at his brain after it had developed. One of my doctors also wants some measurements taken and Josh's lungs examined so we will know if and when Josh can be taken. Matt and I were both big babies, but I was big because I was a couple weeks late. I was over 8 1/2 lbs and almost 21 inches long. Matt was right at 8 1/2 lbs but he was 24 inches long. With the odds of Josh being a big baby, and the fact that I have a misalligned pelvis, as reported in my last post, if I want any chance to deliver vaginally, Josh may need to come early.

The doctor says whenever he is ready there is no need to keep him in there, especially since I have already had a couple bladder infections. I have had other minor problems and complications as well. The doctor said if I could make it to week thirty without being put on bedrest, then I was doing good. If I could go to week 32, then odds are I most likely would not be on bedrest. Hooray! But I am a candidate to go into early labor. If I go into labor at 34 or 35 weeks, they said they will not stop it. So Josh could be here in early or mid November if he gets impatient. If they have to induce me, it will be done at 37 most likely. If you follow my early due date, 37 weeks is two days before Thanksgiving. They are not planning to induce me then. Most likely, I would be asked to come in the day after Thanksgiving or the Monday after to be induced.

This is all just speculation. We will know more after my ultrasound next week. Then the next order of business will be to schedule a second ultrasound for 33 or 34 weeks. If Josh is growing well, if he is a good size for his age, and if his lungs are in good shape, I may have more of an idea next week with where we are heading. But I may not know what the plan is until we see his development at 33 or 34 weeks.

I know a lot can change in three to four weeks. If his lungs don't look ahead of schedule next week, I know they could grow a lot in a month. And then if I don't go into labor at 35 weeks, an extra 2 weeks to get me to 37 could make a big difference. Not that I want him here really early. I told Matt it would be hard for us to leave the hospital and have to leave him there. I do not know if I could do that. But the further away from Christmas he is born, the better I will feel. Just please remember us in your prayers. I will write with an update after the ultrasound next week.

Monday, September 14, 2009

After the diabetes test

It's been a rough week. First things first. Matt and I were up at Mom and Dad's Saturday night. I started experiencing some cramping and some twitching. I had experienced it Friday night and called the OB/GYN on-call. She gave me some stuff to do and said if it came back to call them and come to the hospital. Well it came back Saturday night. We left Mom and Dad's to go the hospital back home. They put me in a room on the labor and delivery floor. It was a weird experience being there instead of the ER. I told Matt it was practice for what is to come in three months. The doctor's checked a lot of stuff and decided part of what I was feeling was just normal, and the rest was due to a bladder infection. I am concerned because this is my second one. Hopefully, I will not have another.

Today I went to the doctor's for my diabetes test. That turned out well. No diabetes for me! Yay! I am so happy for that. My weight gain was not as much as it had been last time. I do feel self-conscious about it and I am worried that I might be gaining too much. I do not want to gain too much. The doctor did mention that my uterus is higher than it should be at my stage of pregnancy. He does not think the due date is wrong, just that my uterus, and maybe the baby, is growing ahead of schedule. So he scheduled an ultrasound for three weeks to get some measurements.

I told the doctor about some pain I have been having for awhile. It has kept getting worse. I told Matt a few weeks ago that it felt like my pelvic bone could be bruised. He diagnosed me with a misalligned pelvis. He said that as my pelvis stretches and parts it hurts more than it normally would as the bone parts and the cartilage parts. The doctor also mentioned that women with this type of issue often have to have a c-section. This makes me really apprehensive. Please keep us in your prayers.

I am getting more and more apprehensive about this pregnancy. I feel Josh move so often. I never knew it was possible to love someone this much who you haven't even met. I am still incredibly emotional. That part drives Matt crazy! My due date flops between December 8 and December 15. December 15 is three months from tomorrow. It is unreal to think that I could have a baby in three months or less! I just can't believe that. But I also know we could run a couple weeks past the December 15 date. matt just wants the baby here before the end of the year for his tax refund. I would not mind if Josh came early. One of our doctor's thinks it is possible for that to be the case. I just can't wait!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pregnancy Blues

I was supposed to go to the doctor on Monday for my gestational diabetes test. I got there just to find out there had been a mistake. They were not doing diabetes testing this week and no one called to let me know. But I stayed for my regular appointment. Everything looked good. I am finally gaining weight. And I hate that part. I hate things not fitting. Since I had extra weight on me the doctor gave me a weight limit. He would be comfortable with me gaining 16 more pounds. I have less than four months to go so I can't gain more than a pound a week which I don't even see myself doing that, so that is great! That is a relief. I was worried about gaining too much weight because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get it off. Plus, I have extra weight I need to get off.

So I go back Monday, September 14 for my diabetes testing. Not looking forward to drinking that stuff at all. That feels like the last major hurdle to overcome. I hope I don't have gestational diabetes, but I know it is very manageable.

My hang up right now is the blues. I guess it is normal. But I cry so easily and so often. It can be such an inconvenience. And sometimes I don't even know why I cry. I know it is troubling for Matt. But Matt is being wonderful through the whole process. He is at the stage where he doesn't like me doing too much because he is afraid I will hurt myself or Josh. He likes me to sit with my feet propped up whenever I can. He is so afraid that I will deliver early.

I am apparently at risk for early delivery, and we know several people who have delivered early. Matt has a co-worker whose wife delivered at 21 weeks and the baby died. We also recently found out that our pastor's wife delivered their daughter at 29 weeks, but she survived. I am 24 weeks right now. I am not at all prepared to think of Josh being here in 5 weeks. I don't want Josh making an entrance before my birthday, and my birthday will put me at almost 33 weeks. If Josh has to come early, I hope and pray it is not before 35 weeks. If I can go 35 weeks, I will be ok. But that puts Josh here before Thanksgiving and I was really hoping he would still be in utero during Thanksgiving so I would have an excuse to eat!

I also don't want to be like my mom. My mom carried me about three weeks late. That would most likely put Josh here after the new year. That would disappoint Matt. He wants his tax break. And I don't want him to be that late. I am pretty sure our baby will be big. Matt was 24 inches long at birth. I was almost 9 pounds, but the doctors said it was because I was so late. Our son already has long legs for the stage of pregnancy I am at. I am just not wanting him to be huge. And I pray almost daily that this baby does not have a large head. I am a little apprehensive about him coming out. And I am just as apprehensive of thinking about having to have a c-section. I am sure it will all work out. I just need to not stress myself out over those little details. The day Josh gets here will be a wonderful day, no matter how or when he makes his entrance!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What has been happening lately

We have had a lot going on the past few weeks. Things are good here. My pregnancy is progressing nicely. I am starting to really look pregnant. I have less than 4 months to go and I am so anxious over how much worse I might look. And with the bigger belly comes swelling hands and feet, more tiredness, and more trips to the bathroom.

The one good news we are celebrating right now is that Josh does not have Down Syndrome. At my last appointment they offered to do a genetic test to see. I could not see spending $155 to find that out because it wouldn't change how I felt about my child. But Matt and I talked about it and decided with all the emotions that we will be feeling in the hospital, it would be better to know and prepare ahead of time. They said we would have results within three weeks. Three weeks was here three days ago. So we are very happy.

I have finished registering for Joshua. I have a few small things left to put on my registries. It was so much harder registering for Joshua than it was for our wedding. There is so much out there! It was really hard for me to decide what I absolutely needed or really wanted and what would not be a necessity. I knew I would have the potential to go crazy with baby clothes, but chose not to because my mom and I will be picking up outfits for him here and there.

I did the one thing I did not want to. The colors for Josh's room are similar to the colors we picked for things around our home. Matt and I picked out sage green, tans, and browns as our main colors. The main colors in Josh's crib bedding are green, brown, cream, and yellow. But those are the colors we love and they are nice and neutral. His bedding should also grow with him into his toddler years.

This week we celebrated Matt's birthday. His actual birthday was yesterday, but two nights ago Matt and I celebrated together. We went out to Red Lobster and splurged a little - yum, seafood. Then we came home and had cake. Last night we went to Matt's parents and had salad and pasta and then cake and ice cream. A pregnant woman could get used to eating like this! Matt had a great birthday. And Josh made his dad's birthday special by having the hiccups and letting Matt feel it.

I have been feeling a little discouraged. Matt and I have been married for more than 7 and a half months. We have had a rough first year of marriage, so far. Then to top it off, we are spending a good chunk of our first year of marriage with me being pregnant. We are just dealing with all these difficult things at once. It seems like anything that can go wrong has gone wrong. And just when it feels like things are getting better, something else happens; like when we hit the deer two weeks ago. My car still isn't done getting repaired! We have had plenty of ups and downs. Family issues make their way into our struggles. I am just trying not to take everything personally and to not get too stressed. I know when Josh is here everything will be worth it. And our relationship will be much stronger after we get through all this. Please keep us in your prayers.

We have our next appointment on Monday. They will be checking to see if I have gestational diabetes. That seems like the last major thing to worry about during this pregnancy. I will update more next week after my appointment.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

An Update

A lot has been going on since my last update. I am really bored just working part time. It's an adjustment not being in school. And I love writing, especially since one of my undergraduate degrees is in composition. I anticipate writing much more often. I am thinking about starting a journal for Josh so he will have it when he is older.

I have come around a lot to the idea of having a baby boy. I am so excited, and Matt is even more excited! Things are starting to come together. We have been working in Josh's nursery. He has clothes in his dresser and his closet! His crib is on layaway and will be in his room in September! Thanks to my mom, I think Josh will have a complete wardrobe before he even arrives.

Josh has been moving for several weeks. I enjoy feeling him move around. He is quite the kicker already. I think I have a little soccer player living in my tummy for the time being. That would make sense because Josh would be taking after his father and aunt Amanda. I am in tune to Josh's active times. Matt has anxiously been waiting his turn to feel Josh move. I have heard different things that anywhere from 20 - 25 weeks would be normal for the father to feel something. Matt felt Josh move for the first time this past Friday. And Josh has moved several times since for his daddy. I think Josh loves his daddy!

I am starting to feel, and look, pregnant. It is definitely a different feeling, but a good one. I still am not liking the heat. But I am thankful everyday that Josh isn't due to be born this month, or next month, or even in October. It should be cooling off by the time I get really uncomfortable. And then when I am really big, it should be cold! I have come to the conclusion that my Christmas shopping will be done early to spare my discomfort. I hate crowded stores around Christmas time. My goal is to have all Christmas shopping completed by Halloween. That means shopping will start for me sometime during August. I also am anticipating getting Josh's nursery completely finished by Halloween as well. I have already visited two stores to create my baby registries. I loved picking out all the cute little things Josh will need. I like being prepared, and as I said, I hate crowded stores with people getting ready for Christmas. In case Josh comes early, I will be ready.

I wanted to be ready early for Josh's arrival. I think I am doing a great job. And everything else will come together nicely over the next two and a half months. My next doctor's appointment is August 24, but I imagine I will write before then due to boredom. So, until next time.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

And the baby is....

Yesterday we went to our OB appointment. I was so nervous. They did my ultrasound first. It took about 30 minutes. The tech said that she would look at the sex last. So she had all this measuring to do. I was getting anxious of waiting. When she got around to looking at the sex the baby just would not cooperate. It took forever but we finally found out.

We are having a baby boy!!!! And he is perfectly fine, healthy, and at normal size. We are so thankful for that. The tech examined his spine in the ultrasound yesterday, and she found no defects. She said at my next ultrasound she will be able to look at his brain. I had blood drawn yesterday to test for down syndrome. At my next appointment, which is at the end of August, they will test my sugar for gestational diabetes. I hope I do not have that! I have been through enough complications and sicknesses already. After that, we saw the doctor. He said everything looked good. I feel like I am finally in the clear, for now, and I am no longer as anxious.

We are just ready for the baby to be here! I am halfway through my pregnancy today. Hooray for 20 weeks! I was a little shocked at first to find out we were having a boy. I knew no matter what happened, someone would be disappointed. Matt's sister wanted us to have a boy because she had one last month. My dad and sister wanted a boy. Matt's dad would have been fine with either. Our mom's wanted it to be a girl. Matt had me convinced it was a girl. I had always wanted a boy first. Every little girl needs an older brother to look out for her. But because of Matt, I was convinced it was a girl and I felt like God was preparing me for that. We had been talking about a little girl for so long that I think that was what I was prepared for. I was also just paranoid. I only have a sister. I have no idea what to do with baby boys! But it will be okay.

I am very excited now that it sunk in. I am getting what I always wanted. When I was little I remember saying I wanted two boys and one girl. I didn't care about the birth order just as long as one of the boys came first. And that is happening. And above all, I am just thankful he is healthy. If all goes according to plan our bundle of joy will be here December 15. Of course I would be fine if he decided to come a couple weeks early. His name will be Joshua David. David is a family name in Matt's family, and it happens to be his middle name, so we are keeping it in the family. Joshua is a name we both like. Our inspiration came from the Joshua in the Bible. We can't wait to meet him in December! I will update again soon, most likely before my next appointment!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Not a lot has been going on. I just couldn't wait to write again until Monday. I have been feeling very anxious. There are just so many new feelings going on. But most of all, I am feeling excited.

I have been experiencing some pain for a couple weeks. The OB said I didn't need to come in unless I started bleeding. I never started bleeding, but the pain got worse. In the middle of the night one day last week Matt convinced me to go to the ER for the sake of the baby and me. The ER doctor said I had two problems. I was having some severe stretching of the muscles and ligaments in my stomach area. But on top of that, he said I had a bad bladder infection. So we got that taken care of. Within a couple doses of the antibiotics the most intense pain went away. I am still having pulling and stretching feelings which can be pretty uncomfortable at times.

I swear that I get the rough end of the deal sometimes. 3 days after our ER visit I came down with a stomach bug complete with throwing up and a fever. I never once threw up with morning sickness, so I think it is quite unfair to throw up half way through my pregnancy. The bug went on for about 36 hours, but I am feeling much better now.

Matt and I are feeling very anxious for our appointment on Monday. We can't wait to find out what the baby is. Matt really really wants our baby to be a girl. I will take what I can get. Most men want boys, but I feel blessed that he wants a girl. This feels ironic to me because I always assumed I wanted a boy first, but my feelings have changed recently. Maybe it is God preparing us for our little girl! Matt feels pretty strongly that it is a girl. I know my in-laws want it to be a girl. Matt's sister just had her first and she had a boy. We will be fine either way as long as it is healthy. The baby already has a name regardless of the gender. Once the sex is determined, we will reveal the baby's name, and then I will be able to finish my baby registries. Let's just pray the baby will not be stubborn Monday afternoon!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Info on the baby and me

Matt and I went to our latest doctor's appointment this past Monday. Since I am seventeen weeks, we were hoping the doctor would go ahead and schedule the ultrasound to find out the sex. We were told that would happen between 16 and 20 weeks. The visit before this one, that doctor mentioned they don't typically like to do it before 18 weeks so as not to disappoint moms when babies aren't quite ready. I had my hopes up that we would get an ultrasound. No luck. Our ultrasound is scheduled for Monday, July 27. I just pray the baby cooperates. I hope he/she will not react like his/her stubborn parents might in the situation. I am so anxious to find out!

Everything else at our appointment looked good. My blood pressure is down and my sugar isn't at bad levels. The doctor is impressed with my weight. I am at 17 weeks and have only gained 8 pounds. This was a surprise for me. I never struggle with putting on weight. I am just impressed that everything is so easy for me right now. I am at the stage where I feel great. This is so much better than how bad I felt at the beginning.

Other than that, there isn't much to report. I felt the baby move for the first time last night! I was excited. It was a really subtle movement at first. It got a little more rapid, but was never very strong. I knew what it was right away. Matt hates that he can't feel anything at this point, but I told him that will come soon enough.

That is about all I have to say right now. I will update again soon. If something significant happens then I will write before our next appointment. Otherwise, I will not write again until we hopefully know the sex of our little booger!

Friday, June 26, 2009

What's New

It has been awhile since I have written, and since I said I would write before my next Dr.'s appointment, I decided to write today. Not much is new here. Things are pretty good. I am loving not having morning sickness! I have energy back, and I am not going to the bathroom to pee every hour right now! Hopefully, the nausea won't come back. But I know later in my pregnancy I will be exhausted again and that as the baby gets bigger, he/she will push on my bladder and I will go to the bathroom a lot again later.

I love where I am right now. I am enjoying being able to cook and clean again. Temperatures feel unseasonably warm around here to me right now. I am so thankful that I am at this stage of my pregnancy while it is this hot! It will not be 100 degrees outside when I am as big as a house, YAY! I am so relieved that I will have a baby born in very late fall.

There are only a few complaints I have right now. First of all, nine months feels like a very long time! Why does it take so long! Secondly, I am so forgetful. I cannot remember anything right now! To me, this seems like a really odd side effect of pregnancy. My last complaint is that I am just paranoid and worried. I do not exactly feel pregnant, other than the fact that my clothes are snug and I feel pressure in my stomach area. I cannot wait to feel the baby move. We have a few more weeks until that should happen. The doctor says that will happen around the time we are able to find out the sex. I was worried when we couldn't hear the heartbeat, and fortunate that we had an ultrasound to find the heartbeat. It was so wonderful to see little baby Baird move around! That really put my mind at ease! I am sure everything is fine. I just wish I wasn't so paranoid and impatient.

That is about all I have to say right now. We have our next appointment on Monday, July 6. I am sure we will find out everything is okay then. And then I will feel better. I will update more after our next appointment.

RIP Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson

Friday, June 12, 2009

Updated News

It has been awhile. We had our appointment yesterday afternoon to attempt to hear stubborn baby Baird's heartbeat. So needless to say, since this child has Matt and me as parents, I was not surprised that we could not hear his/her heartbeat. The doctor ordered an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok. I was a little nervous, but mainly concerned because I thought the Dr. thought something could be wrong. He did mention that he was picking up the placenta and that the placenta could be blocking the little baby.

We went up front to schedule the ultrasound, just to found out the tech was on vacation. They sent us to the hospital for an ultrasound. The ultrasound was scheduled for an hour later. I was so happy they could squeeze us in. The hospital itself is so much better than the ER and the doctor's office. We went right in and got called right back. The ultrasound tech was so nice. I was pretty nervous, but I knew it would be ok. Once she got my belly pictured on the screen, she said I see a baby and a strong heartbeat! Words like that never sounded so good. Then she let us hear the heartbeat. I cried. The baby's heartbeat was 170 beats per minute. I was so excited. They baby looks so human-like already. It just has an incredibly large head. We are about 5 weeks from them being comfortable attempting to check for the sex. We both have a strong feeling that it is a girl.

Well that is about all I am going to say for now. We are just excited that everything is ok. Our next appointment is scheduled for four weeks. It feels so good to be on a regular schedule of going to the doctor. They aren't monitoring my blood pressure anymore. At my appointment in 4 weeks, we will set up an appointment to find out the sex! We cannot wait! That is all for now. I will write again before the four weeks is here.

Monday, June 1, 2009

New Info

Sorry it has been so long since I have written. I have been super busy. I am now officially a graduate of grad school. I have my Master's degree! I am super excited. The graduation ceremony was wonderful. Matt and I had a great time celebrating with my parents and my grandparents. I worked long and hard for this. It is a relief to be through. Now I plan to enjoy my summer!

Not a lot of news in the baby area. Glad to be in my second trimester! I had an OB appointment today. They scheduled it so close to the last one to monitor my blood pressure. So this was a quick visit to check my blood pressure. Good news - no need for blood pressure medicine now!

They tried to find the baby's heartbeat today but he/she was not cooperating. We go back next week on Thursday and they will listen for a heartbeat then. Hopefully, they will be able to find it then. This is making me kind of anxious. The Dr. said I was just at the beginning stages of being able to find the heartbeat. I am excited to hear it though. Then in July sometime we will be able to learn the sex! We cannot wait for that. Well that is all I have to say now. I will update next week after our appointment to hear the heartbeat.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I am so excited that I graduate in three days!!! I can't believe this day is almost here. I have been working towards this for years, and it feels so good to know that I am done with school! For awhile, I anticipated going on to get my doctorate, but I am going to enjoy no school for awhile. I did not take time for a break before college or before grad school, so it looks like time for some much deserved time off. I cannot wait for Saturday!

Other than that, things are good. I am not feeling as bad as I was. I think I am near the end of the morning sickness stage. There has been some confusion over how far along I am because the baby is kind of small. My guess is I am around 10 - 11 weeks. The doctors say it could be as far along as that or even 12 weeks, or we could be closer to 8 weeks. They say they will know more when the baby gets bigger. So we could have a baby around Thanksgiving, or closer to Christmas. I am going with the December 8th date.

I have an OB appointment on Monday. They will just do a check-up. They say it is standard not to do an ultrasound until around 12 weeks. So I will get another ultrasound next trip to the OB and hopefully we will know more about the baby's due date. I am excited to know when the baby is coming. I am also excited not to be feeling as sick as I was. I really hope that part of this journey is over. I am sure part of the sick feeling is gone because I don't have to worry about exams and papers anymore! Well I will update more later.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Graduation is upon me

I am so ready for school to be over! This has been a long time coming. I graduate on Saturday, May 16 with my MDiv. I have been working for years for this, and I am so happy it is almost completed.

It is entirely too early on a Monday morning. Monday's are non-school days for me, so since I am pregnant I should be allowed to sleep in. Not today! Today is senior day at school. We get to pick up our caps and gowns, we practice graduating, we do exit interviews, and have the senior luncheon. There is also the senior softball game against our professors. I won't be playing in that game.

One more week of work for me. I have a paper to finish, two book reviews to write, and a take home exam to do. This is all due by next Monday. I also go to school once during exam week. That is next Tuesday. I go to do a presentation. My presentation is done. So as of next Tuesday, I will be done with school! I cannot wait.

Finishing school pregnant and sick has not been fun, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. There should only be a few more weeks of sickness. Hopefully, with school finished, I will feel somewhat less sick. I know I am nervous regarding all this work I have to do in the next week. I am anxious to see how different I may feel next Wednesday. Well, that's all for now. More later.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More about the baby

I am sorry that I did not write sooner. Things have been crazy with my trying to finish school. That's a story all unto itself.

We went to our appointment with the OB on Monday. That was quite an adventure. We were there forever. They did so many tests and other procedures. Everyone was a little off on the dating from what was originally suspected. I am a little over 8 weeks, which makes me due around December 9. That sends me into freaking out mode a little bit. I was born a few weeks late. If our baby is born a few weeks late, we will have a Christmas baby. Not exactly what I want. But this is in God's hands and He will take care of it. This baby is already a gift from God when I shouldn't have even gotten pregnant at this time. So I am sure our little baby will be here when it is the right time for him/her to be here. Other than that, the Dr. said everything looks okay. I have my next appointment with the OB on Monday, May 18 (which is the Monday after graduation - YAY!!!!). Hopefully everything will be fine then too.

Enough writing for now. I have to get back to school priorities. I will be so glad when that portion of my life is over. I have been in school for 22 years straight, and that is enough for me.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Matt and I were married on January 3, 2009. We had a wonderful wedding and we are enjoying our married life. On Easter weekend we found out we are pregnant!!! This was shocking news for us. We were not expecting it at all. As a matter of fact, it should not have happened. I was on birth control. But after the shock wore off, we were both excited. We are so happy to be starting our family together. The first Baird baby will be here before Thanksgiving, as best as anyone can guess right now. We have our first appointment with the OB on Monday at 2:00. I am nervous so I would appreciate any prayers. I just want to know everything is ok. And we are both anxious to find out how far along I am. Hopefully, we will know Monday.

Pregnancy has been interesting so far. I feel basically tired all the time, which is not good since I am trying to finish up my last few weeks of grad school. I also do not like the nauseous feeling I feel in the morning and at night. I seem to be good in the afternoon. I am already having cravings and my emotions are all over the place. I am not enjoying this crying for no reason business. Hopefully some of this will pass soon.

That is all I think I want to say right now. I will update again after the OB appointment on Monday. Have a great a weekend everybody!