What is new with our little angel girl? Well, I don't know as much as I wish I did. Yesterday (Wednesday) I had another OB appointment. I was hoping for an ultrasound, but I did not receive one because I received so many early and our insurance will only cover so many. So I will receive one in two weeks. Most women love seeing their little baby on ultrasound, but I have a particular interest in it. Rachel's size means everything to me. It is what gives me hope. Rachel has measured a little ahead the entire time. Babies that measure ahead do not typically have preeclampsia. We know all about that first hand. When we gave birth to Josh at 32 weeks and 5 days, Joshua weighed 3 pounds 7 ounces. He should have weighed around 4 1/2 pounds. It is surreal to me just thinking that in a week or 10 days (in the 31 week range), I should be carrying a baby that weighs more than the boy I gave birth to 2 1/2 years ago.
We had a successful visit. Rachel is doing well. And Mommy is fine too. I have still been given the okay to go to Annual Conference for commissioning. We will see what my appointment in two weeks holds! This was the first time I saw my OB since my hospital visit the other Friday. We discussed all my tests and blood work. She was very pleased. At one point in time I found myself wondering why we keep redoing all these tests. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful to have a doctor who knows what she is doing and who is so cautious. But I am so cautious also, and I really hate this expectation for something to go wrong that has been clouding this pregnancy. This is likely my last pregnancy. I should enjoy it while I can, because I know me and one day I will say that I miss it!
I am floored that I will be 30 weeks on Saturday! This one has gone fast! There was a time when I wondered if I would even make it this far. The expectation among some doctors and researchers is that if you have a bad case of preeclampsia then you will get it again, and likely even earlier. My case of preeclampsia was not one of the worst. I did not develop eclampsia or HELLP syndrome, but it was serious, serious enough to schedule a c-section because my blood pressure was so high that I could have had a stroke if I had gone into labor with Joshua. Each day and week further along that I make it with Rachel is good news. I am thankful for each day. And right now, I am thankful for the normal pregnancy I am being blessed with after such a horrible experience with preeclampsia.
Tomorrow (Friday) will be two months to the day of the earliest possible day my OB will deliver Rachel; if there are no complications that require an earlier delivery. Rachel could be here in 60 days and probably no later than 70 days! That is just around the corner! I am so excited! I can't wait to meet her, hold her, kiss her, to introduce her to her brother, and to just be thankful for God's blessing to our family. Our family will really be complete when she is here. One little boy and one little girl; both equally miraculous and both a reflection of the Father's goodness and faithfulness. In the meantime, I will try to enjoy the last weeks of my last pregnancy. These are the days I missed out on last time. I don't know if someone can really enjoy excessive heartburn and 4 trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but I am sure going to try! I felt robbed last time, so I am going to be like a sponge and soak up everything I can!
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