Monday, May 14, 2012

What's New

Well, it has been awhile since I have written.  Things have been busy.  A lot has been going on around here.  We have been battling allergies in our family on top of all the busyness.  Joshua is getting new furniture soon, and we have been getting his room ready for that and Rachel's room ready for the crib and her other furniture.  Rachel will have the room that used to be the office so we had a lot of rearranging to do.  I have started to wash Rachel's things, and there is a lot of it!

Updates regarding my pregnancy:  I passed my second gestational diabetes test!  Yay!  No diabetes here.  It finally felt like things were going well.  Nothing else could be wrong.  We have checked for everything.  I saw my OB last Tuesday and she said everything was looking good.  I hated that we didn't get to see my girl on the ultrasound.  Hopefully next time.  Then on Friday, I ended up at the hospital.  I was having contractions that were about 7-8 minutes apart and Rachel wasn't moving much.  Matt talked me in to getting checked out, even though I was hesitant.  After we got hooked up to the monitors and found Rachel's heartbeat, she started moving around like a crazy girl!  Everything ended up being just fine.  My contractions were probably a combination of Braxton Hicks and dehydration.  You would think that I would learn that I need to drink more!  I was a little swollen when I got there so the nurses started to check for preeclampsia.  And I did not have the protein or the blood pressure symptom!  Praise God!  They did the preterm labor test and it came back negative; no labor for me in the next two weeks!  I felt really good when we left the hospital.   I made a decision when we left the hospital:  I am not going to live every day of this pregnancy waiting for something to go wrong.  It is in God's hands.  He took care of my little boy, and He will take care of Rachel, whatever happens.  I have to be reminded pretty frequently that He is the one in control, not me!

I got the ok from my OB to go to Annual Conference this year.  I was worried that she would not let me.  That means a lot, especially since I am being commissioned.  Now, I won't have to miss it!  I just pray I don't end up on permanent bedrest between now and then.  I am looking forward to a few days away, and another step in my journey being accomplished.  It should be a good time. 

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