Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More about the baby

I am sorry that I did not write sooner. Things have been crazy with my trying to finish school. That's a story all unto itself.

We went to our appointment with the OB on Monday. That was quite an adventure. We were there forever. They did so many tests and other procedures. Everyone was a little off on the dating from what was originally suspected. I am a little over 8 weeks, which makes me due around December 9. That sends me into freaking out mode a little bit. I was born a few weeks late. If our baby is born a few weeks late, we will have a Christmas baby. Not exactly what I want. But this is in God's hands and He will take care of it. This baby is already a gift from God when I shouldn't have even gotten pregnant at this time. So I am sure our little baby will be here when it is the right time for him/her to be here. Other than that, the Dr. said everything looks okay. I have my next appointment with the OB on Monday, May 18 (which is the Monday after graduation - YAY!!!!). Hopefully everything will be fine then too.

Enough writing for now. I have to get back to school priorities. I will be so glad when that portion of my life is over. I have been in school for 22 years straight, and that is enough for me.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Matt and I were married on January 3, 2009. We had a wonderful wedding and we are enjoying our married life. On Easter weekend we found out we are pregnant!!! This was shocking news for us. We were not expecting it at all. As a matter of fact, it should not have happened. I was on birth control. But after the shock wore off, we were both excited. We are so happy to be starting our family together. The first Baird baby will be here before Thanksgiving, as best as anyone can guess right now. We have our first appointment with the OB on Monday at 2:00. I am nervous so I would appreciate any prayers. I just want to know everything is ok. And we are both anxious to find out how far along I am. Hopefully, we will know Monday.

Pregnancy has been interesting so far. I feel basically tired all the time, which is not good since I am trying to finish up my last few weeks of grad school. I also do not like the nauseous feeling I feel in the morning and at night. I seem to be good in the afternoon. I am already having cravings and my emotions are all over the place. I am not enjoying this crying for no reason business. Hopefully some of this will pass soon.

That is all I think I want to say right now. I will update again after the OB appointment on Monday. Have a great a weekend everybody!