Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pregnancy Blues

I was supposed to go to the doctor on Monday for my gestational diabetes test. I got there just to find out there had been a mistake. They were not doing diabetes testing this week and no one called to let me know. But I stayed for my regular appointment. Everything looked good. I am finally gaining weight. And I hate that part. I hate things not fitting. Since I had extra weight on me the doctor gave me a weight limit. He would be comfortable with me gaining 16 more pounds. I have less than four months to go so I can't gain more than a pound a week which I don't even see myself doing that, so that is great! That is a relief. I was worried about gaining too much weight because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get it off. Plus, I have extra weight I need to get off.

So I go back Monday, September 14 for my diabetes testing. Not looking forward to drinking that stuff at all. That feels like the last major hurdle to overcome. I hope I don't have gestational diabetes, but I know it is very manageable.

My hang up right now is the blues. I guess it is normal. But I cry so easily and so often. It can be such an inconvenience. And sometimes I don't even know why I cry. I know it is troubling for Matt. But Matt is being wonderful through the whole process. He is at the stage where he doesn't like me doing too much because he is afraid I will hurt myself or Josh. He likes me to sit with my feet propped up whenever I can. He is so afraid that I will deliver early.

I am apparently at risk for early delivery, and we know several people who have delivered early. Matt has a co-worker whose wife delivered at 21 weeks and the baby died. We also recently found out that our pastor's wife delivered their daughter at 29 weeks, but she survived. I am 24 weeks right now. I am not at all prepared to think of Josh being here in 5 weeks. I don't want Josh making an entrance before my birthday, and my birthday will put me at almost 33 weeks. If Josh has to come early, I hope and pray it is not before 35 weeks. If I can go 35 weeks, I will be ok. But that puts Josh here before Thanksgiving and I was really hoping he would still be in utero during Thanksgiving so I would have an excuse to eat!

I also don't want to be like my mom. My mom carried me about three weeks late. That would most likely put Josh here after the new year. That would disappoint Matt. He wants his tax break. And I don't want him to be that late. I am pretty sure our baby will be big. Matt was 24 inches long at birth. I was almost 9 pounds, but the doctors said it was because I was so late. Our son already has long legs for the stage of pregnancy I am at. I am just not wanting him to be huge. And I pray almost daily that this baby does not have a large head. I am a little apprehensive about him coming out. And I am just as apprehensive of thinking about having to have a c-section. I am sure it will all work out. I just need to not stress myself out over those little details. The day Josh gets here will be a wonderful day, no matter how or when he makes his entrance!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What has been happening lately

We have had a lot going on the past few weeks. Things are good here. My pregnancy is progressing nicely. I am starting to really look pregnant. I have less than 4 months to go and I am so anxious over how much worse I might look. And with the bigger belly comes swelling hands and feet, more tiredness, and more trips to the bathroom.

The one good news we are celebrating right now is that Josh does not have Down Syndrome. At my last appointment they offered to do a genetic test to see. I could not see spending $155 to find that out because it wouldn't change how I felt about my child. But Matt and I talked about it and decided with all the emotions that we will be feeling in the hospital, it would be better to know and prepare ahead of time. They said we would have results within three weeks. Three weeks was here three days ago. So we are very happy.

I have finished registering for Joshua. I have a few small things left to put on my registries. It was so much harder registering for Joshua than it was for our wedding. There is so much out there! It was really hard for me to decide what I absolutely needed or really wanted and what would not be a necessity. I knew I would have the potential to go crazy with baby clothes, but chose not to because my mom and I will be picking up outfits for him here and there.

I did the one thing I did not want to. The colors for Josh's room are similar to the colors we picked for things around our home. Matt and I picked out sage green, tans, and browns as our main colors. The main colors in Josh's crib bedding are green, brown, cream, and yellow. But those are the colors we love and they are nice and neutral. His bedding should also grow with him into his toddler years.

This week we celebrated Matt's birthday. His actual birthday was yesterday, but two nights ago Matt and I celebrated together. We went out to Red Lobster and splurged a little - yum, seafood. Then we came home and had cake. Last night we went to Matt's parents and had salad and pasta and then cake and ice cream. A pregnant woman could get used to eating like this! Matt had a great birthday. And Josh made his dad's birthday special by having the hiccups and letting Matt feel it.

I have been feeling a little discouraged. Matt and I have been married for more than 7 and a half months. We have had a rough first year of marriage, so far. Then to top it off, we are spending a good chunk of our first year of marriage with me being pregnant. We are just dealing with all these difficult things at once. It seems like anything that can go wrong has gone wrong. And just when it feels like things are getting better, something else happens; like when we hit the deer two weeks ago. My car still isn't done getting repaired! We have had plenty of ups and downs. Family issues make their way into our struggles. I am just trying not to take everything personally and to not get too stressed. I know when Josh is here everything will be worth it. And our relationship will be much stronger after we get through all this. Please keep us in your prayers.

We have our next appointment on Monday. They will be checking to see if I have gestational diabetes. That seems like the last major thing to worry about during this pregnancy. I will update more next week after my appointment.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

An Update

A lot has been going on since my last update. I am really bored just working part time. It's an adjustment not being in school. And I love writing, especially since one of my undergraduate degrees is in composition. I anticipate writing much more often. I am thinking about starting a journal for Josh so he will have it when he is older.

I have come around a lot to the idea of having a baby boy. I am so excited, and Matt is even more excited! Things are starting to come together. We have been working in Josh's nursery. He has clothes in his dresser and his closet! His crib is on layaway and will be in his room in September! Thanks to my mom, I think Josh will have a complete wardrobe before he even arrives.

Josh has been moving for several weeks. I enjoy feeling him move around. He is quite the kicker already. I think I have a little soccer player living in my tummy for the time being. That would make sense because Josh would be taking after his father and aunt Amanda. I am in tune to Josh's active times. Matt has anxiously been waiting his turn to feel Josh move. I have heard different things that anywhere from 20 - 25 weeks would be normal for the father to feel something. Matt felt Josh move for the first time this past Friday. And Josh has moved several times since for his daddy. I think Josh loves his daddy!

I am starting to feel, and look, pregnant. It is definitely a different feeling, but a good one. I still am not liking the heat. But I am thankful everyday that Josh isn't due to be born this month, or next month, or even in October. It should be cooling off by the time I get really uncomfortable. And then when I am really big, it should be cold! I have come to the conclusion that my Christmas shopping will be done early to spare my discomfort. I hate crowded stores around Christmas time. My goal is to have all Christmas shopping completed by Halloween. That means shopping will start for me sometime during August. I also am anticipating getting Josh's nursery completely finished by Halloween as well. I have already visited two stores to create my baby registries. I loved picking out all the cute little things Josh will need. I like being prepared, and as I said, I hate crowded stores with people getting ready for Christmas. In case Josh comes early, I will be ready.

I wanted to be ready early for Josh's arrival. I think I am doing a great job. And everything else will come together nicely over the next two and a half months. My next doctor's appointment is August 24, but I imagine I will write before then due to boredom. So, until next time.