Wednesday, April 25, 2012

More News

Well, I received some unexpected news on Tuesday.  I figured since I was not called on Monday that all was well with my gestational diabetes test.  Wrong!  They called me on Tuesday (yesterday) to come in today for the longer test.  I was worried and anxious.  I spent a lot of Tuesday afternoon and evening thinking about what that could mean.  So, needless to say, I was not very happy.  It just seemed like I was left asking "Now what could go wrong?" 

I felt better when I got there this morning and was talking to the lab tech.  She said more than half of the pregnant women who come through their office fail the first test.  She said it often is due to what the woman eats the day before.  Apparently, most women are careful with what they eat the night before, but what you eat that whole day matters.  I ate several things that day that could cause my sugar to be high.  So, I went today for the longer test.  I did not enjoy the three needle sticks.  But I will have results tomorrow.  I am praying for good results. 

Overall, I feel really good.  And I still feel very blessed.  I think this is another opportunity where God is teaching me that He is in control.  I know whatever happens, Rachel and I are in his hands and we will be okay.  I will update sometime after the I get the results.

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