Tuesday, March 1, 2011


So, it has been awhile. Too long, in fact. I went all of February without updating. Horrible me! I promise to get better. But with as many goals as I made for the new year, I am not surprised I have slipped up on a couple! I will strive to write more in March.

What's new in the Baird household, you ask? Plenty is going on. Josh is doing wonderful! I promised to update after his doctor's appointment. Well, that was like on February 7, so I am plenty late. Josh had a great report at his doctor's appointment, and no shots! On February 7 (at 15 months), he was 33 inches long (that is almost 3 feet!) and weighed 26 pounds. That is amazing for my little preemie! The doctor is pleased with everything! Still no signs of being a preemie linger; the doctor thinks any delay with Josh is just due to his being a preemie and his being a boy. Josh is 16 months old today, but he should be 14 1/2 months old. And a month and a half makes a difference! Josh isn't talking as much as I hoped or would like, but the doctor says it is normal for a boy. He still says new words, practically weekly. And I can tell by how he responds to us that he understands even more words. Josh loves to play, and I love it when he learns new things. And Josh can walk, but it is just faster and easier to crawl.

Matt and I are doing well. Just busy, as always. I have started some new programs at church. It is great! I love my job so much. It is such a pleasure to serve the Lord in the capacity that I do. We are getting ready to head into the season of Lent. We will be doing a Bible Study for the 7 weeks of Lent. I am so excited! This is what I have been waiting for. Matt is busy with his job as well. They have inventory the first weekend in May, so he will probably be working every Saturday between now and then, and likely a lot of Sundays. But oh well, it's overtime. And that will come in handy when we go on vacation in May.

We are still working on trying to lose weight. I have not made as much progress as I would like, but I have made some. I have lost like 7 pounds since the new year. But all of that was not me. I had the flu and a stomach virus both in February, which helped me to lose 2-3 pounds of that. Matt and I celebrated our anniversary in January and Valentine's Day in February. We have also had some meals at church, so I have eaten more than I should have. My exercise has not been as consistent as I would like it to be. It was hard to get back into exercising after having the flu. I was so tired! And I have had a few busy days this last month or so. But March is a new month and I am going to hit it hard this month. Some progress is better than none, and it is something to be proud of. I will keep you all updated as we go along on this journey. And I will update again soon.

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