Monday, July 9, 2012

Almost full term and a lot of false labor

The title of today's blog are the things that are consuming my mind right now.  First of all, today is the end of day 2 of my 36th week of pregnancy! What an accomplishment!  Tomorrow I will basically be 36 1/2 weeks pregnant.  And 37 weeks is considered full term.  I will be there Saturday!  If Rachel is born after tomorrow, unless she had a bad problem, she would most likely leave the hospital with us!  Yay!  I would  really like to make 37 weeks, but if I delivered this week it would still be an accomplishment.  I made it far: no preeclampsia, no pre-term labor, no bedrest, no steroid shots, and most likely no NICU! 

All I can say is wow.  I am so thrilled!  I want to be happy and proud, and don't get me wrong, I certainly am, but I recognize this is nothing I did.  God has been watching out for my little angel girl and taking care of both of us every step of the way.  And in a matter of days or just a few short weeks, I will be mom to not one, but two miracle children.  All children are gifts from God and pure miracles, but my two are especially.

The second thing on my mind: false labor.  Yuck!  I am experiencing it a lot.  I wonder daily if I know when the real thing will happen.  My doctor scheduled my repeat section for July 30, but if I go into labor before then we will have a baby.  It doesn't help that my doctor said she didn't think I would last until the 30th.  And it also doesn't help that I have a lot of the signs and symptoms that labor is approaching.  So I start experiencing these things and think labor is just around the corner, and then come to find out, that unless my water breaks or I am having real contractions, then labor is not immediate (and apparently only about 15% of women have their water break on their own before they get to the hospital).   All the other symptoms can mean labor is days away or still weeks away.  Well, I have been experiencing my symptoms for two weeks on Wednesday, so needless to say labor was not very close.  Hopefully it will be within a week or two.  I do not want to wait to meet my little girl.  I am so ready now, especially if I know she can come home with us!

Plus. I really don't want to go in for a scheduled c-section, even though that would be better than a surprise or emergency section like I had last time.  My OB said if I went into labor on my own then she would let me try labor and if I could do it and wanted to then I could have a baby naturally.  I want to try labor.  It would be the perfect ending to my perfect pregnancy.  It would make up for everything I missed last time.  I would be the happiest girl in the world.  There was just one thing we needed to know before we could make that decision:  we needed to find out if my internal scar was vertical or horizontal.  It appears my internal scar was done horizontally, which is what we wanted and which means I can labor.  That was encouraging.  I still need to talk to my doctor a little more about this, but I anticipate giving labor a try.  I see my doctor again on Wednesday, so hopefully I will have some more idea about what may be ahead for me and Rachel in the coming days.  I will update again after my appointment Wednesday.

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